In Korea, television series are generally referred to as “drama” regardless of whether they are comedies, action flicks, or horrors, and even if not produced by television networks. For purposes of our discussion, I will refer to these 6 to 8 to 12-episode programs as “Limited Series.”
Korean Title: 이재, 곧 죽습니다
2023-2024 Amazon “fantasy, mystery, thriller” (8 episodes)
If you are fan of Korean “drama” and movies, you might have noticed that English titles don’t always directly translate from the Korean titles.
The Korean title, 이재, 곧 죽습니다 literally translates to “Now, You Shall Die” or “Starting Now, I Will Soon Die,” though there are various possible nuanced translations due to Korean’s different honorifics, context, and tone. After watching this series, let me know what you think the appropriate translation should be.
I thought this series was exceptionally well-made. The acting, action, videography, editing, music, and special effects were engaging enough to pull me into another all-nighter (to watch all the episodes).
HOWEVER, the first episode was annoying and painful to watch. I actually stopped watching this series twice because of the first episode. Something about the tone, attitude, and perspective just didn’t sit well with me. I heard that this was by design, so in that sense, even the first episode is well-made. By the end of Episode 3, I was hooked.
If themes of suicide are triggering for you, the first episode may be hard to get through. This entire series revolves around the concept of death, so unless it triggers you to the point of requiring medical assistance, I think its worth pushing through. While death is something we all must face, how we live our lives becomes the real theme. While grim, I thought the series was a fun (?) reminder that my life is not just about me and my feelings. That we are all interconnected and there is joy and pain that springs forth from those connections. Not sure if these are universal human themes, but they are strongly “Korean.”
Again, don’t read all the summaries and spoilers. Just watch it. You’re welcome.