In Korea, television series are generally referred to as “drama,” regardless of whether they are comedies, action flicks, or horrors, and even if they are not produced by television networks. For the purposes of our discussion, I will refer to these 6 to 12-episode programs as “Limited Series.”


Korean Title: 마이 네임

2021 Netflix Action Series (8 Episodes)

Tommy Review: FIVE STARS

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The protagonist is a young woman who, while in the throws of what would be considered “normal” adolescent self-absorbed teen angst, witnesses her father’s murder.

All the things we wish we didn’t say or do, and all we wish we had.

The heartbreaking sense of loss and regret transforms the teen.

Han So-hee delivers a fantabulous performance, drawing the audience to her side. We root for her as she lives and works out in a gym full of gangsters; learning to fight; seeking the truth – skillfully filmed and stylishly edited, the action is fun to watch. The story line moves crisply from episode to episode.

Revenge. Perseverance. Justice. Loyalty. Duty. Betrayal.

Korea is a small country surrounded by larger, powerful neighbors. Throughout thousands of years of Korean history, Korean woman have played heroic roles in the defense, independence, and survival of the Korean people. While this series does not touch on any historic events, it features a female protagonist who is believably strong, resilient, and powerful.

The filmmakers play on the viewer’s assumptions, without overtly “seeding” the twists and turns. There is mystery, drama, and action.

Just to be clear, this is NOT a: romance, comedy, or sci-fi superhero flick. I appreciate that they didn’t forcibly add any of those silly elements.

Don’t read spoiler reviews. Don’t even watch the trailers. Watch the first three episodes and see if you can stop. You are welcome.



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